Krewe DMC golden apple on textbooks logo.

Dedicated. Medicated. Caffeinated.

A Mardi Gras krewe for teachers.

Educators enjoy Mardi Gras too! Come be part of our celebration with the best sub-krewe in Krewe de Canailles, a night time walking parade through downtown Lafayette, Louisiana. Krewe DMC is open to all education professionals and school support employees.

Photo of Downtown Lafayette sign at night,

Welcome to Krewe DMC

The most famous Mardi Gras krewe for teachers in the universe!

Krewe DMC golden apple logo.

Or maybe just planet Earth.

Ok, well definitely in Lafayette, Louisiana! Anyway, you get the point. DMC stands for Dedicated, Medicated, and Caffeinated – three simultaneous states of being of which almost every professional educator is familiar. Krewe DMC is a walking sub-krewe of the Krewe de Canailles night parade that walks through downtown Lafayette every Mardi Gras.

A krewe for teachers +

The Krewe DMC exists for the unsung heroes in our children’s lives – the teachers and paraprofessionals, the cafeteria workers and janitors, and the school bus drivers and nurses. Our mission is to provide a fun, friendly, slightly crazy Mardi Gras experience for these heroes of the teaching world. Membership is open to all Lafayette Parish education professionals.

Photo of excited costumed marcher posing during Krewe de Canailles parade in downtown Lafayette Louisiana.
Photo of costumed Krewe de Canailles members marching in downtown Lafayette, Louisiana while holding the Krewe de Canailles banner and playing instruments.

A Lafayette walking (sub) krewe.

Each year we will join our teaching forces to generate a powerful Mardi Gras (sub) krewe to participate in Krewe de Canailles events and festival activities. Krewe de Canailles is one of the newer and more unique Mardi gras traditions in Lafayette. Unlike New Orleans Mardi Gras, Lafayette maintains a family friendly celebration throughout the Mardi Gras season, and all parade krewes are required to abide by the rules. Now, we know teachers like to get down and cut loose, but we all want to keep our jobs (we think) when the parade is over. That said, we absolutely are going to have fun and party!

Are you interested in partaking in the Mardi Gras fun?

Would you like to learn more about out krewe? Join the list for our next Krewe and discover just how dedicated, medicated, and caffeinated you can be!